Friday, January 27, 2012

"Patience and Prayer"

"Patience and Prayer"

Following a recent speech at a well-known university, a student approached me and asked "How do you deal with big dreams and goals when it seems as if things are moving too slow in getting there?" I told him it takes patience and prayer. It takes patience because noble goals are on a Divine timeline, which may not be the same as the one you would like. It takes prayer to find the strength to be patient, especially when setbacks occur.

As Rudyard Kipling reminds us "If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters the same." Success is temporary. Failure is temporary. Patience keeps you from celebrating your successes too early, or whining about your failures too long. Prayer helps you to count your blessings first, so your problems won't seem so bad.

Remember, it's not our will, but Thy will be done.

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