Friday, January 27, 2012

"Positive Possibilities"

"Positive Possibilities"

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale documented in modern times, "The Power ofPositive Thinking". A protégé of Dr. Peale, Dr. Robert Schuller, built the incredible Crystal Cathedral Ministries on the philosophy of "PossibilityThinking".

Both men published books on those respective philosophies, which, along with the Holy Bible, have had a profound impact on my thinking, my life, and how I live.

I believe that's why I am a positive possibilities person, and I live a positive possibilities life, and I speak a positive possibilities language. We all encounter plenty of negative possibilities everyday. Just ask someone how they are doing. Positive possibilities have an empowering effect on people, because people would rather succeed than fail. They would rather be happy than sad. They would rather laugh than cry.

Do you notice all of the positive possibilities in your life, but, more importantly, do you notice the positive possibilities in the people around you and the people you meet everyday?

It begins with "The Power of Positive Thinking", and YOU.

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